This year we were able to attend the Teach Them Diligently homeschool convention 2021 in Nashville, TN. It was a great experience despite the fact that it was very different from years past. There were a lot of speakers and the curriculum hall was packed with vendors. Obviously, there was not as many as they have had in years past but overall it was a great convention! You can visit their site by clicking the picture below.
What did the homeschool convention have?
We have been to many homeschool conventions over the years. They are all different depending on the speakers. This convention was packed with great speakers and content.
When you homeschool, you should know what issues you are dealing with in your household. Examples are reading issues, math issues, or behavioral issues (of course we always have to go to those never have any of those). We try to listen to as many speakers as possible when we are there. Charles and I split up going to different speakers a lot to accomplish this.
There were no keynote speakers at this convention which was definitely different. (Some of the greatest memories I have from years past of this convention are the times we had worship with the attendees).
The convention hall was packed with exhibitors always handing you something. The vendors were great, especially since they had to wear masks. The masks definitely made things more interesting but not at all terrible.
How was it set up?
Each room was set up with chairs spaced several feet apart. Most of the time the rooms were full. (I will say everyone found a seat if you were looking for one in each room whether they moved it or just sat next to someone). Masks were required in the halls and curriculum hall but they were not in the conference rooms.
Where did we stay?
The Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN is the most amazing place. We didn’t leave for the five days we stayed there. We brought snacks and some drinks but there are so many amazing places to eat and places to visit while you are there, you really don’t need to leave. Plus, we were at the convention most of the time.
What did we find at the Homeschool Convention 2021?
We found books and curriculum and information that helped us learn and grow. We found great speakers that gave us great ideas. However, the most important thing we found was community.
Summing up Convention 2021
In finding community, we found a group of people that all have the same ideals for our kids. We have different ways of teaching them and presenting them but we all want the same thing….to have our kids know the Lord and to have a love for learning. If I could summarize the homeschool convention 2021 that would be my biggest take away. Everyone is doing the best we can and learning along the way. Somedays are easy and somedays are H.A.R.D. In the end, we pray the hard days are forgotten and the happy days are the ones remembered.
whoiscall says